Pediatric and Adult Communication Disorders

  • A motor speech disorder that impacts speech sound production and the ability to position the speech muscles and sequence muscle movements

  • A speech sound disorder that impacts intelligibility of speech by distortions or substitutions

  • A developmental disorder impacting communication, language, interactions with others, and behaviors

  • A group of motor speech disorders due to paralysis, weakness, or incoordination of speech muscles

  • Difficulty or the inability to swallow

  • Communication that is affected by attention, memory, organization, problem solving/reasoning, and executive functions

  • Difficulty with sharing thoughts, ideas, and feelings or understanding spoken or written language

  • Interference with speech due to repetitions, prolongations or blocks occurring in words and sentences

  • Treatment targeting the structures of the mouth and their impact on swallowing and speech

  • A language disorder impacting social aspects of communication

  • Difficulty producing voice that impacts pitch, volume, tone and other vocal qualities