Where are you located?
We are located in Belmont, Michigan which is just outside of Grand Rapids (Zip Code 49306).
How much do you charge?
Full evaluations cost $150.00
Informal evaluations cost $100.00
1 hour therapy sessions cost $100.00
30 minute therapy sessions cost $50.00
How far will you travel for in-home sessions?
Counties we travel to include: Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Mecosta, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newaygo, and Ottawa. If you live outside of those counties, still schedule a free consultation and we can develop the best plan going forward.
Do you charge a travel fee for in-home sessions?
We do not charge a travel fee for in-home sessions.
Do you offer after school sessions?
Yes! We are open until 9pm Monday-Wednesday and 5pm on Thursdays for after school sessions.
Do I need to live in West Michigan for teletherapy?
You can be anywhere in the state of Michigan for teletherapy services.
How do I know if in-person or teletherapy is right for me?
We will work together to make the right plan that fits you or your loved one’s needs.
Do you accept insurance?
We currently accept private pay only however, we offer a Super Bill option that you can submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement purposes.
How often will therapy be?
This depends on your needs and is individualized to each client. Typically therapy is 1-2 times per week, but we will determine the frequency of therapy sessions once the evaluation is completed.